Tea at the Unicorn Wine Guild

Tea-related education and events, the enjoyment of the beverage and the culture of tea

I admit it. I’m addicted to books

Yes, I admit it.  Books.  I’ve loved books since I was big enough to turn the pages on my Dr. Suess books.  My parents made sure my brother and  I were surrounded by books.  My great-grandparents and grandparents also left shelves of books with leather covers and gilt edges when they moved on. My library has also grown and parting with a book for a book sale is sometimes difficult.

There is nothing better than curling up on the couch – or even comfy in bed – with a nice cup of tea, the cat, and a good read.  I have lots of tea books for reference.  But, when I want to relax, a book is the number one way.  It used to be historical romances, then Star Trek adventures.  Now, it’s a good cozy mystery.   Laura Childs and Joanne Fluke book releases are circled on my calendar.

I was devastated by the closure of the local Borders.   A large green tea latte’ and a few minutes to wander the store relaxed me from the hours working in surgery and transitioned me to working on the winery.  And, of course, there is a stack to be read on my bedside stand.  I took advantage of the sale as the store closed.

Other people may leaf through decorating books. Personally, I love to read about afternoon teas.  And while e-readers are the future, I still like the feel of paper.  When I lamented to a customer that I missed my Borders and found out that the remodel was not for a book store, he told me to get over it and get a Kindle.  I have an e-reader.  I’d rather have a book.  OK, I’m old fashioned. And I have a library as big as a small town’s.  Is that such a bad thing?

A cup of tea, a furry companion, a book, a comfy warm spot.  Bliss.

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